Bro John Belton was initiated in 1980 into a Lodge in England and in 1998 became the founding Senior Warden of Internet Lodge 9659 UGLE  and also a member of lodges in Scotland and in Alberta, Canada and of other orders.

His research interests have majored on the post 1945 decline of freemasonic membership across the English speaking world and include papers published in AQC and Heredom. Other topics have included Revolutionary Fraternalism linking London to the Italian Risorgimento, the American Civil War, and most recently the Union of the English Antients and Moderns Grand Lodges in 1813. He has spoken widely around the world including at the biannual International Conferences on the History of Freemasonry.

Over the past decade he has been a regular contributor to masonic magazines, particularly The Square, on topics of current interest or controversy often relating to the role of freemasonry in society and the adaption of freemasonry to changes within society.

By education Bro. Belton was a microbiologist, by profession a marketer and exporter, and in retirement, by inclination, a masonic searcher out of curiosities, historian and writer.



The title of this blog cum website is perhaps an unusual one but I was struck by one particular page in Laurence Dermotts ‘Ahiman Rezon’ in which he talks of his aspirations to please and assist his readers and talks of his efforts in writing his book. Some 250 years later little has changed, for any author the task and challenge is no easier, we still refer to the works of those who have gone before in our own writings, and still wonder if our efforts will please the readers. The page reproduced below sums it all up very neatly, hence the choice on domain name.